Summer Storm
I am the thunder in the summer
The lightning at dusk
Rain pouring down, pestering glass windows
It’s been hot all day,
All week
And the pressure builds
They can’t walk outside without feeling the tension
The air is heavy on their skin
It seeks solace in the crevices of their lungs
Choking its host and burrowing even further
It all builds up to something.
We’ve been through summer storms before
And we all ache until the break
I ache until the break
No one fully knows the tempest that is to come.
We’ve been through countless summers together,
Countless heatwaves
And yet, we balk at the storm
And run from the downpour
We hide under trees
Or seek shelter under tin roofs
Lightning strikes, and we marvel.
But when the storm is done
We are thankful for the break
The air is free, and we can breathe again
I am free
And I can breathe again