Where I’m From
I’m from big hats under rainbow umbrellas
Buckets of wet sand and unstable castles
I’m from orange and vanilla custard
With a pizza slice the size of your chest
I’m from sea salt air and coconut lotion
Rough hair tangled into waves
I’m from hours in the water - spending hours spent catching
Colorful drenched footballs that went “splat” when you caught them
I’m from the sweet relief of hot skin on cool, packed sand
And the wonder of looking out onto the ocean
It was grand and open and wide
I miss it
The breeze and the sand and the waves
That crawled up to meet my toes
And hugged my ankles into a cool embrace.
But the waves retreat
Like we all must do
And they slowly return
Like I must do
Back ------------ and forth
Back --------------------- and forth
I am a beach kid, landlocked,
Dreaming of seagulls’ conversations,
Missing the freedom and innocence
Of summers I once lived